A Smattering of Selenium #157
Trying to find every excuse not to cut the grass … including apparently closing some browser tabs.
- Interoperability – Standardized Test Information Interchange has me so full of ‘meh’ as to be hilarious. Commercially driven standards rarely are and/or I am just too much of an open source person to accept this model for standards development
- Licensing in a Post Copyright World – important
- How to Make Async Requests in PHP is php specific in its solution, but has some interesting bits about socket establishment that applies to other ones as well
- Adding Comments to JSON feels like a hack. Buts a clever hack.
- Maven Release Plugin: The Final Nail in the Coffin takes great joy in removing part of the maven environment from their workflow. And really, who doesn’t?
- Open Sourcing a Python Project the Right Way is nice … though of course, as with everything else these days, it has some Github specific isms. You can do it the right way with hg and bitbucket of course… and that is disclaimed in the article
- Headless Watir using both HTTPUnit and PhantomJS
- Implementing HTTP Status Codes in WebDriver, Part 2: Achievement Unlocked – umm, part 2?
- PhantomJS + Plugins + AWS + BrowserMob Proxy – proxy all the things! Including headless things.
- Mastering the Craft is a good reminder, but also, eBay has its own customized version of eclipse? Guessing this is one of those ‘at scale’ solutions
A Smattering of Selenium #156
Brain fried from PyCon Canada 2013 and ‘some’ browser tab is misbehaving which means its time to start closing some of these.
- Patchwork seems like an awesome idea, but at the same time, I’ve had to work in heavily monkey-patched RoR apps before…
- Evolving syntax is PHP specific in its examples, but the ideas transfer
- Roslyn + Selenium: Scripty C# Powering Browser Automation – some C# voodoo?
- It’s like 10000 knives when all you need is a Spoon – or specifically, this particular spoon which is yet-another-android-automation-tool. See comments for a bit of discussion re Appium which seems to be the currently best marketed solution in this space
- Planet generator has absolutely nothing to do with automation, but is just cool
- TestSpicer could be cool if it is massively flushed out
- Compatibility changes in IE11 Preview is going to break things I fear, for instance the readyState stuff?
- PyCon Canada 2013 decks are now up
- Implementing WebDriver HTTP Status Codes, Part 1: Challenge Accepted – is interesting in that it uses Fiddler
- Links are not buttons. Neither are DIVs and SPANs – this, a million times.
The World’s Best Selenium Meetup
Note from Adam: This is a guest post from Dave Haeffner who, along with David Burns hatched this idea at SeConf2013.
Selenium Meetups are great, but…
Have you ever wanted to attend a Selenium Meetup but there’s not one near you? Or maybe there is but something’s come up and you can’t make it out that night? Or maybe the meetup near you struggles to get good speakers and have a consistent schedule? [Note from Adam; like, say, the Toronto one…]
We can do better
Well, what if there were a way to attend a meetup regardless of location?
And what if each meetup you attended was lined with core maintainers of the Selenium project?
And if you missed it, what if the whole thing was recorded and available for you to review at your leisure?
Well, now you can.
The World’s Best Selenium Meetup
Introducing Selenium Hangout — the world’s best and most accessible Selenium meetup. An entirely online meetup that leverages Google Hangouts and live streaming to YouTube. All meetups will be recorded and posted online afterwards.
Each meetup will contain a small panel of people from the Selenium Community (e.g. core committers, automation practitioners, etc.) and they will discuss various topics (TBD).
How to attend
Simply follow the SeleniumHangout Twitter account to find out more.