About Selenium

Selenium is a suite of tools for automating web browsers.

Support Selenium

The Selenium project is a member of the Software Freedom Conservancy, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. The Conservancy has reduced the management overhead associated with creating our own, dedicated legal entity. The majority of sponsorship funds go directly towards supporting the Selenium project, such as server, software and conference expenses.

Get involved

Selenium is certainly a team effort! There are several ways you can help out, whether you’re a programmer, designer, QA engineer, writer, project manager, or just willing to help. If you’re interested in helping, the best way to connect with us is at the Selenium Developers Group. We’ll work with you to get you set up to contribute.

Selenium Level Sponsors

Support the Selenium Project

Want to support the Selenium project? Learn more or view the full list of sponsors.

All rights reserved, Software Freedom Conservancy