Selenium Blog - 2018 Archive

August 6, 2018 by Tour de Dave

Selenium IDE Is Dead, Long Live Selenium IDE!

In August of 2017 Simon shared the bleak, hard news that as of Firefox 55 Selenium IDE would no longer work. Selenium IDE (or as we’ll refer to it from here on out – the Legacy IDE) was, and is, dead.

Since then quite a lot has happened with the IDE. We have a new version of it which we are referring to as… Selenium IDE!

It is currently in “alpha” and available for use in both Chrome and Firefox.

In his post Simon also mentioned “the fine people at Applitools“. This includes Tomer Steinfeld, Dave Haeffner, and Doron Zavalevsky. Together, along with contributions from the rest of the Selenium community and the SideeX project, we have been able to get the new Selenium IDE out into the wild. We are also working to close the gap on feature parity with its predecessor along with adding some much needed enhancements to the tool (more on that in future posts).

We’d love for you to give the new IDE a try and let us know what you think. Visit either the Chrome Web Store or Firefox Add-ons to install it. For info on how to use the tool, you can check out the getting started documentation on Selenium HQ.

If you have any questions you can find us on the Selenium Slack/IRC chat channel. Think you found a bug? File an issue. Want to contribute? Take a look at the project on GitHub.

Happy Testing!

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