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Monday, June 21, 2010 by adam goucher

A Smattering of Selenium #16

I’m going to start posting the Smattering posts here on the main Selenium blog, hopefully each Monday. For past ones see my personal blog’s archive

Thursday, June 10, 2010 by Kevin Menard

Selenium Grid 1.0.8 Released

We’re pleased to announce the release of Selenium Grid 1.0.8. This release fixes multithreaded issues with the Selenium Grid hub that appeared randomly under heavy load. If you’ve ever seen a log message about HttpClient being accessed by multiple threads, you definitely want to upgrade. Even if you haven’t, this release is highly recommended for all.

You can download it now or view the changelog. The list of changes is:

  • Multi-threaded issue with access to HttpClient has been resolved, fixing random crashes on a heavily loaded grids

Many thanks go out to Chris Gulley for identifying and fixing the problem. As always, patches and bug reports are appreciated:

I mentioned in the release notes for 1.0.7 that barring any major issues, 1.1 would be the next release. This fix was major enough to warrant an intermediate release. We are still planning to put out 1.1 as the next feature release.

If you have any questions about Selenium Grid, please use either the user or the developer list, as is most appropriate for the nature of your question. Ongoing discussion about grid development should take place on the developer list.

Thursday, May 27, 2010 by adam goucher

Selenium IDE 1.0.7 – Now with Drag-and-Drop!

So its a month later than planned, but Selenium IDE 1.0.7 is now available. The delay was due to some internal build changes and not code, but one of the code changes that is there more than makes up for the delay.

That’s right, drag-and-drop has finally arrived to Se-IDE — though credit lies with Jérémy Hérault for implementing it.

Oh, and if you are Swedish, there is now a localization for you. Yes, a real one. Not just one that makes everything say Bork as was suggested to me. Although a Pirate locale might be arrr-some.

For those with version 1.0.5 or newer, the update will be pushed to you automatically over the next couple days. Those new to Selenium IDE or with 1.0.4 or older will want to install it now.

Other things of note around this release

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