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Monday, September 27, 2010 by adam goucher

A Smattering of Selenium #28

So we go from not-enough-stuff-to-do-one to wow-this-will-take-awhile. And we’re off..

  • Tellurium is one of the many frameworks that absorb Se and has an article on InfoQ called Introducing the Tellurium Automated Testing Framework which, well, introduces the framework.
  • In the first of many Cucumber related posts this week is Sean Grove’s Cucumber Sauce for doing parallel Cucumber runs on the Sauce infrastructure. Might be general enough to use outside of it as well.
  • Cuke4Ninja: The Secret Ninja Cucumber Scrolls, aside from outstanding ninja cucumber images, has a dead-tree book’s work of getting starting with Cucumber information.
  • I updated the list of plugins for Se-IDE (that I know of) on the Se-HQ download page
  • Arquillian is testing framework, developed at, that empowers developers to write integration tests for business objects that are executed inside of an embedded or remote container–options include a servlet container, a Java EE application server or a Java SE CDI environment. Oh, and it has a Selenium (1.x RC and 2.x Se WebDriver) extensions
  • The Fall 2010 issue of Methods & Tools has an article on Bromine
  • Another piece of Cucumber news is a Skills Matter video of Gojko Adzic and David de Florinier (see Cuke4Ninja able) talking about Cucumber & Selenium 2.0
  • If you are doing automation, the right place to be running it is not the IDE but a CI server. Well, perhaps in addition to the IDE… Anyways, here is a post on Setting up a python CI server with Hudson. Now there is no excuse Python kids…
  • Parallel Testing should be this year’s automation theme. Here is how to do it in C#.
  • …and in PHP (this one, again with a bent to Sauce OnDemand, but…)
  • And yet another PHP Sauce integration.
  • Selenate is a JS 1.6 runner for Se
  • Actionscript Javascript Communication actually shows how the whole ExternalInterface stuff works when talking into Flash/Flex from within Se. I could have used this a year ago…
  • Aside from parallel stuff, I think the Decorators and their kin are nice additions to the automation toolkit. Here is one for taking screenshots on test failure in Python
  • London is having another meetup on November 3
  • The fall 2010 issue of Automated Software Testing Magazine is out. I think its kinda sad that articles on dynamic data generation still need to be written, but the ‘Testing With Reflection’ article seems to be not bad in that the message is ‘automate to learn, not to test’

Monday, September 20, 2010 by adam goucher

A Smattering of Selenium #27

Seems I skipped a week, but that’s okay since there hasn’t been much in terms of volume (or maybe my clever search filter is a bit overly clever…).

  • The big news I think is that there is now a Se driver for Node.js called Soda. I’m not sure I like the syntax, but I also don’t claim to know Node so it could be idiomatically correct which is more important than my blessing.
  • Hot on the heels of the Soda announcement was the announcement that it has built-in support for Sauce Labs’ OnDemand Se-in-the-cloud service
  • TestNG is often the java runner of choice for Se (for its built-in parallelization stuff) and it now has a Selenium page right in the official documentation.
  • Drupal sites have long used Se to automate maintenance tasks and such, but now there is Drunit which hopes to replace SimpleTest as the way to use PHPUnit and Se-RC in the Drupal community.
  • The August SFSE meetup was more of a crowd-sourced content affair with participants voting up questions that they wanted to hear Se inventor Jason Huggins answer. It then turned into a crowd-sourced answer affair with Simon Stewart (Se-WebDriver), Kevin Menard (Se-Grid) and myself (Se-IDE and general opinionated tester) getting dragged in periodically. The video is now online for your viewing enjoyment.
  • I’ll be writing about this more this week I’m sure, but Tracking Selenium Commands Using C# and SQL Server 2008 has actually made me rethink my position on what reporting should be coming out of your automation run. No mean feat that.
  • Three Keys to Automation is an old article from Bret Pettichord (he of WATIR fame) that somehow crossed my path this week but is as relevant today as it was 10 years ago
  • SMW System Testing with Selenium is a wiki page (unsurprisingly) about testing the Semantic MediaWiki with Se including slides from a talk on it. Good to see the world domination plans of becoming the default testing framework on projects progressing so nicely.
  • Testers, Orgs, and the demand for Java jobs nicely echos what I say when I am out at clients who are starting out with Se (or automation in general) – Testers don’t need to know how to write the code for your product, but they need to know how to best automate their tools and tests which will require understanding and comfort with code.. Also just as important from a product perspective is Let’s get rid of the titles of ‘developer’ and ‘tester.’.
  • Not related to Se directly is Dancer which is the Perl equivalent of Ruby On Rails. If you need a quick site for proof-of-concept or experimentation with Se, this might be the framework for you.
  • For the PHP readers, I present a discussion on integrating Se with Behat

Monday, September 6, 2010 by adam goucher

A Smattering of Selenium #26

It’s Labour Day here, so this post was written to backdrop of Sponge Bob. In case you were wondering.

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