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Monday, February 7, 2011 by adam goucher

A Smattering of Selenium #40

You would think by now that I wouldn’t be surprised by the number of links I collect in a week.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011 by shs96c

Selenium Joins the Software Freedom Conservancy

It doesn’t seem that long ago that we announced on the mailing list that the Selenium project planned to join the Software Freedom Conservancy. I’m very pleased to announce that as of Friday, 21st January, our application was approved. We’re now under the aegis of the SFC.

From most people’s perspective, this won’t make much difference: you’ll still be able to view the documentation and download the latest versions of Selenium from Selenium HQ. Development will continue to use Google Code’s code hosting and issue tracking. We are now, however, part of a formal non-profit organization, which means that a number of issues, such as how to handle revenues from adverts on our sites, become clearer and more transparent.

There are more details about what this means in the SFC’s announcement and their list of membership benefits. The bottom line is that this is a major milestone in Selenium’s growth and ensures that as we continue to grow our user base and introduce new features and projects, we’ll have strong support and backing from a well-respected Open Source organization.

Monday, January 31, 2011 by adam goucher

A Smattering of Selenium #39

Hey look! All caught up — only took a month…

  • My opinions on Continuous Deployment are pretty widely known, but the IMVU folks certainly have a lot of neat tricks to ‘borrow’. Such as Buildbot and Intermittent Tests
  • Dealing with an API that returns XML? Your scripts don’t care about the readibility, but it helps you as the human if it is formatted pretty. xml formatter is a glorious time save in that case.
  • Who would have predicted this… Perl stuff
  • Since Se is using Sizzle now for locators, comes a tipnever do things like $(‘form *’). This is crazy costly, because Sizzle works from right to left. Will grab all elems first.. Not sure of the accuracy, but it makes sense.
  • Part of the debate when doing BDD and TDD is the overlap that [naturally] occurs; Duplication between BDD and Unit tests addresses it, partly be reframing the question.
  • webkitdriver is a project that aims to provide a WebDriver implementation for a light-weight in memory Web Browser
  • This week’s Selenium killer is PhantomJS
  • Achievement parodies are always amusing; here is on for Visual Studio — what would the Selenium ones look like?
  • Koans are a trendy way to learn / practice a language. Here is a Koan-a-copia of them
  • Want onto the speaking circuit? The 2011 Verify/ATI Conference is asking for presentations

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