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Thursday, July 7, 2011 by shs96c

New ChromeDriver

The ChromeDriver is composed of two major pieces. There are the client APIs, which you use in your tests, and there’s a server part, which the client APIs know how to start and run and which takes the form of an executable called “chromedriver”. The server piece is maintained by the Chromium team, and they’ve just released a new version, with support for Chrome 14 and with bug fixes. If you’re using Selenium 2.0rc3 and you’re also using the ChromeDriver, head over to the Chromium project’s download page for the latest and greatest!

Monday, July 4, 2011 by Samit Badle

Selenium IDE 1.0.12 – now with Firefox 5 support

Last week we quietly released Selenium IDE 1.0.12 on the website. It has Firefox 5 support along with other improvements. See the release notes and unofficial announcement. Download it here or ask Firefox to check for plugins updates.

And for those who did not download 1.0.11 (it was not pushed through the update system) you will want to read about the formatter change that landed.

Friday, July 1, 2011 by adam goucher

A Smattering of Selenium #52

Welcome to the Canada Day edition of the less-than-weekly-now collection of Selenium / Automation links that is the Smattering of Selenium.

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