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Tuesday, July 26, 2011 by shs96c

Selenium 2.2 Released

The feedback from the last release was heard loud and clear: little and often it is!

We’re proud to announce the release of Selenium 2.2. What’s new this time? For many users, this is simply a bug fix release as there are no new major features. One thing you might appreciate is better exceptions being thrown when xpath searches return something other than a web element when using the WebDriver APIs, and we’re continuing to tweak the emulation of user events.

If you’re a .Net user, there is now an official NuGet package, and if you’re a maven user then rest assured the release is heading to the central repo as quickly as we can manage.

Monday, July 18, 2011 by adam goucher

A Smattering of Selenium #55

Last week we released Se-IDE 1.1.0 which now features WebDriver formats and Se 2.1.0 was released about an hour ago. Simon will post something shortly-ish on what’s changed.

  • I haven’t messed around with HTML5 goodies yes, but fake-html5 seems like it could be interesting.
  • The Yii framework has grown WebDriver support. Now if only there were not two competing PHP implementations for them to have to choose from…
  • If you are using Python’s native packaging system to share your framework, then Lies, More Lies and Python Packaging Documentation on package_data could spare you some headache
  • This presentation kinda needs someone in front of it to make it fully understandable, but they chose great photos so I’m including it.
  • Sikuli on Selenium- A demonstration of automation using selenium and Sikuli (such as flash uploader) uses Sikuli where one might normally have used AutoIT but can’t get a handle onto the window. ….And with that use case for Sikuli arrives.
  • Ever wondered what you get when you cross alcohol and Se? Wonder no more.
  • Visual Studio seems like overkill for Python work, but if thats your cup o’ tea then Python Tools for Visual Studio is for you.
  • Creating users for the duration of a run is a problem a lot of systems have. But not with Facebook which has a Test Users API it seems. Don’t forget that you can use this idea internally in your apps too.
  • With the release of Selenium 2, the project is focuses not on being a browser test platform, but a browser automation one. The difference can be subtle but one area of big difference is in terms of network information details. Selenium RC has support for it, but Selenium WebDriver does not. And of course the latter is the future of the project. 99% of the time, you really don’t need the network information, but in that other 1% the official response to the problem is use something like the BrowserMob Proxy which also had Ruby bindings released this week.

Monday, July 18, 2011 by shs96c

Selenium 2.1 Released

Now that Selenium 2 has been released, one of the goals of the project is to provide regular updates to our users and the community. The aim is for these updates to be small and manageable, incrementally addressing issues and problems raised by you. Selenium 2.1, which is launched today, marks the first of these regular, small releases.

Selenium 2.1 is largely focused on improving Grid with a host of minor improvements including better tracking of “orphaned” browser instances. There are also some bug fixes in the Firefox and IE WebDrivers, particularly when dealing with elements that are just off screen, and in making the Selenium RC emulation in the Java bindings more robust when confronted with pages that haven’t started loading.

As you can see, this is a “bite size” release, but we’d love to know: would you prefer these small, swift releases or larger ones? Please answer in the comments, or on the mailing list!

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